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The Not So Fit Couple Podcast

Jun 29, 2020

This week we our joined by Ben's first mentor Jamie Alderton to discuss the benefits of saying I quit & when is the right time to make your hobby your career to live a happier life.

Jun 24, 2020

This week we ask one powerful question that will help you to address that inner voice of self criticism, conquer self doubt & tips for some self loven.

Jun 17, 2020

This week we talk with YouTube superstar & 1/7 of the Sidemen, Behzinga AKA Ethan Payne, about how losing 30kg changed his life & self confidence. We also dive into his career as a YouTuber and how he has gained over 6 million followers across his social media channels.

Jun 10, 2020

In this weeks Ep we talk about the difference between exercise and training, the good & the bad about home training and the mental benefits of working out.

Jun 3, 2020

In this weeks ep we talk about how building confidence can be a game changer to achieving more and worrying less. We touch on various topics such as confidence Vs courage, narcissism as well as answering questions wrote in by you the listeners.