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The Not So Fit Couple Podcast

Dec 16, 2020

In todays ep we discuss why you need to come away from your calorie deficit and how to psychologically pull away from the diet mentality to enjoy foods again.

Our New Year Challenge Waiting List;


Oct 21, 2020

So many struggle silently with poor mental strength and lack the awareness to see how they are capable of becoming & being mentally strong to lead a happier life.

Sep 30, 2020

Ever wonder why you're not losing weight? Even though you hit your calories, cardio'd like crazy and avoided binging? Today we look into some of the under the radar reasons why the scales wont budge.

Sep 23, 2020

This week we look at the effects of a trigger happy coffee arm, the lies sold to you by the media on energy drinks & the most used drug in the world!